The date is 29th february and this day ih our family every member crossdress and have fun. This day comes in four years and this day became from my forefather enjoyment and the make it a festival of my family. Sorry, sorry, sorry , I forget to tell about me. Hi I am Sanjay, only twelve years old and I hate this day because I dont want to crossdress.But my mother help and force to wear a princess frock, the yellow frock with net frills and a sash belt in back. First she give me panty and then the frock and tied the belt behind with a nonslip bow. After it she wore me socks and ladies school shoes. Then she combed my hair like a girl and tied yellow hair ribbons in my hair. And last item she make up me and touched a little lipstick and short earrings and pretty thin chain neckless. I am so shy to see me in the mirron and my sister Nidhi who is two years older than me, laughing to see me and pinch me by saying Sanjana, Sanjana. I am thinking that I have no choice so I went to my grandmot...
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