It all started with an arguement of buying dresses for his wife.Ansh and Neelima a newly married couple but their thoughts were different from each other. Its not a first time they argued but this time its being huge. Ansh opened her dresser and showed her that she had many dress to wear. Neelima said that those are very heavy dresses and its not comfertable in daily work.Ansh said not to make him fool. She said that if she make him fool then he would try one of her dress for one day. It was the over limit of a short arguement but in the flow his tongue slip and he said yes,he would show her. After saying yes he memorise what he would saying. Its because he would not expect that. Neelima gave quickly confermation of his choice.Ansh protested that he did not do that he said yes in the flow,he would not interest those things.Now the arguement slip from buying dressed to wearing dresses. Neelima said that now he had to show her about what he wanted to prove. But Ansh had no reaction on th...
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