A seventeen year Boy named Kavindra lived with his father and three sisters. Sister name was Kamini,Swati and Anushka and their age was 24,21and 19 respectively. Father is a businessman and mostly he is outside the town so sisters take care of him.It has some benifits and some promblems having three elder sisters. He share everything to them and know about all things about girls.His siter ruled in the whole house and Kavindra not to dare of disobey them. Living with the three sisters have less benifit and more problems but In that family All of them lived happily.Kavindra was away the thought of crossdressing but he remember the incident when he was only twelve years old when her sisters teach a lesson for breaking the mirror of dressing table by cricket ball.Sisters forced him to the bed and two of his siter grab his hands and another applied lipstick on his lips and some cream and powder. Then they tied hair ribbon in his hair with two pigtail. After it they leave him but ordered no...
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